Resep Sambal Mata

Sambal Matah Khas Bali Resep Dan Cara Membuat Sambal Matah Bali

Sambal Matah, an Indonesian Raw Spicy Shallot Salsa from Bali

Sambal matah

Sambal Matah is a raw, spicy shallot salsa or condiment from Bali, Indonesia. There is no direct translation of the Malay/Indonesian word sambal. It usually refers to spicy condiments, both raw and cooked like Sambal Belacan and Sambal Ijo; but can also refer to mains and sides like Prawn Sambal and Sambal Goreng (a spicy stir fry, recipe soon!). You can read more about the sambals mentioned by clicking on the individual names.

Indonesian/Malay language lesson:

Sambal = a spicy condiment, chilli dish

Belacan = shrimp paste (terasi in Indonesian, kapi in Thai)

Ijo = green, in Indonesian

Goreng = fried or to fry, in Malay and Indonesian

So Sambal Matah is just one of a gazillion spicy condiments, salsas and chilli pastes found in South East Asia. It is raw and reminds me of the Mexican Pico de Gallo or Salsa Fresca.

Not surprisingly, you will find it in many guises all over South East Asia. Have you been to Bali in Indonesia? It’s called the Island of The Gods, for the abundance of spirituality found everywhere. In the image below, you can see the traditional and ancient Balinese dance being performed.

Balinese Dance

How do we use Sambal Matah?

  • Pretty much how we would use any chilli condiment or salsa. Traditionally, this is popularly served with grilled fish or chicken. It goes amazingly with the crispy skin of both, providing a real contrast of flavours and textures.
  • I pretty much have it as I would any other sambal, a little of it with every mouthful of rice or meat, whatever I happen to be eating. That’s how we eat sambals and nam priks in South East Asia! (nam priks are Thai chilli pastes/condiments/sauces). Quite often you’ll see me knocking this up in just about 5 minutes to add zing to a seemingly “dull” midweek meal.
  • It is also perfect with satay – another grilled food, you see a theme, don’t you?
  • And because I need spice in all foods, what better way to zing up my salad than by adding a tablespoon or two of this and tossing it all in. We have lots of different salads here on LinsFood, just go to the Salads Page to have your fill!

perfect way to jazz up a simple meal

Sambal Matah Ingredients

Shrimp Paste

Click here to read more. This is probably the only pesky ingredient here. If you can’t get it easily, go online, folks, it’s such a light thing, p&p shouldn’t cost too much! We’ll be dry roasting the shrimp paste and basically just crumbling it up and mixing it in.

If you can’t get shrimp paste, you could use a couple of anchovies in oil or brine, patted dry, mashed up and used in its place. It won’t be the same flavour, but it will be delicious!

Failing that, just leave the shrimp paste out and you will still enjoy all the raw, pungent and citrusy notes of this sambal!


Click here to read more. Maybe the other ingredient that could be a problem is lemongrass, although I think that it’s easier to come by. Leave it out if you can’t get it.

Lime leaves

These are completely optional here, and if you don’t have access to them, the zest of a lime will do perfectly for the sweet, citrus aroma.

Extra lime juice is always good!

Oil in Sambal Matah

Traditionally, some vegetable oil is added to this sambal. I find this completely unnecessary as the oil doesn’t contribute anything, flavour wise, and never use it. Makes it much healthier too.

Many years ago, on a dive trip around Bali, I had sambal matah with coconut oil added. I didn’t like that at all! Coconut oil is so overpowering, I felt that it masked the citrusy notes, which is the identifying characteristic of this sambal.

Torch Ginger Flower in Sambal Matah

On a few occasions, in Indonesia, I’ve had this sambal with finely sliced torch ginger flower, a very common ingredient in some parts of South East Asia. It adds a sharp, pungent, citrusy and peppery flavour to the sambal. As I don’t have access to torch ginger flowers here in the UK, I don’t have an option.

The image below shows you the flower in full bloom. In the kitchen, the flower is usually used while still closed as a bud, and sliced thinly. It’s known as kecombrang in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) and bunga kantan in Bahasa Malaysia (Malay).

Torch ginger flower (bunga kantan, kecombrang) in full bloom

How long will Sambal Matah Last?

It will last 3 days in the fridge, covered. The shallots will take on a slightly pinky hue but will be perfectly fine and tasty still. Quite often, I make a small amount, have half of it and just leave the rest in a bowl, cover with clingfilm and place it in the fridge until the next day or two.

There are many sambal dishes on LinsFood and this is one of the few uncooked ones. You’ll find the others and all things chilli (pepper) on the Chilli Pepper Page, like:

Sambal Belacan (Red Chilli Condiment)
Sambal Ijo – Indonesian Green Chilli Condiment
Homemade Red Chilli Paste
Sichuan Chilli Oil
Zhoug, Yemeni Green Chilli Sauce

Some like it hot, do you?

♥ Do you like this recipe? Please give it a 5-star rating below! And when you make it, share it on any social medium and tag me @azlinbloor. Terima kasih … Lin ♥


Sambal Matah, Indonesian raw, spicy shallot salsa

  • 1/2 tsp shrimp paste
  • 4 shallots
  • 4 red bird’s eye chillies
  • 1 small clove garlic
  • 1 lemongrass, bottom half
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice
  • zest of 1 lime
  1. Place the shrimp paste in a small frying pan over medium-low heat and dry fry for about 3 minutes, turning a couple of times, and flattening.
  2. While the shrimp paste is toasting, let’s get all the ingredients ready. Start by halving, then slicing the shallots fairly finely.
  3. Chop up the chillies and garlic finely.
  4. Slice the lemongrass very thinly.
  5. Chop up the tomato into small pieces, reserving the any juice.
  6. Place the toasted shrimp paste, the salt, sugar and lime juice in a medium-sized bowl and with the back of a spoon, mash up the shrimp paste and mix everything up until you have a paste.
  7. Add all the aromatics and vegetables, (including the juice from the chopped tomato) that you’ve chopped into the bowl and toss everything well, making sure that all the chopped ingredients are coated with the shrimp paste and lime juice sauce. Serve as suggested above.

Gallery Resep Sambal Mata

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