Resep Memasak Harvest Moon Back To Nature

Resep Masakan Harvest Moon Back To Nature Ngulik Id


Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar
Noodles (The Delicious Hour, 18th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Egg*, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*, Soysauce*
Bamboo Rice
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Mushroom Rice (The Delicious Hour, 10th show)
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Truffle Rice (The Delicious Hour, 11th show)
Ingredients: Truffle, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Raisin Bread
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Bread
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Dinner Roll
Ingredients: Bread, Butter, Honey*
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Strawberry Jam (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Strawberry
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Apple Jam
Ingredients: Apple or SUGDW Apple, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Grape Jam (The Delicious Hour, 9th show)
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt*
Jam Bun (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Bread, any type of Jam (at least one, can use multiple types)
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Tomato Juice (The Delicious Hour, 8th show)
Ingredients: Tomato
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*
Hot Milk (The Delicious Hour, 17th show)
Ingredients: Milk
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*
Strawberry Milk
Ingredients: Strawberry, Milk, Honey*
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Boiled Egg (The Delicious Hour, 1st show)
Ingredients: Egg
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Ingredients: Corn, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Curry (The Delicious Hour, 15th show)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Ball, Oil*, Grape Juice*, Chocolate*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Wild Grape*,
Sweet Potato*, Boiled Egg*, Pumpkin*, Truffle*, Mushroom*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Fish*, Cheese*, Tomato*, Egg*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Miso Soup (The Delicious Hour, 16th show)
Ingredients: At least one of the following: Cabbage, Green Pepper, Potato,
Spinach, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot,
Onion, Mushroom, Small Fish, Turnip
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Miso Paste, Salt*, Soysauce*
Ingredients: Cucumber
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Pickled Turnips
Ingredients: Turnip
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Salt*, Soysauce*
Ingredients: Spinach
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Soysauce
Salad (The Delicious Hour, 5th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Truffle*, Mushroom*,
Strawberry*, Turnip*, Boiled Egg*, Cheese*, Green Pepper*, Pineapple*,
Apple*, Mayonnaise*, Oil*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar*, Salt*
Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg*, Truffle*, Cabbage*,
Honey*, Wine*, Apple*, Carrot*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Cheese*,
Wild Grape*, Corn*, Cucumber*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Strawberry*, Fish*,
Butter*, Tomato*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Happy Eggplant (The Delicious Hour, 12th show)
Ingredients: Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Sugar, Miso Paste, Soysauce
Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves, Blue Grass*, Red Grass*, Green Grass*,
Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Milk*, Wine*, Orangecup Fruit*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Mayonnaise S
Ingredients: Normal Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Mayonnaise M
Ingredients: Good Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Mayonnaise L
Ingredients: Excellent Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Mayonnaise XL
Ingredients: Golden Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Sweet Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Utensils: Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar
Roasted Potatoes (The Delicious Hour, 13th show)
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Small Stone (not Winter Stone)
Utensils: Oven
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Oil*, Chocolate*, Grape Juice*, Pineapple*,
Spinach*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Honey*, Wild Grape*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Apple*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Sweet Potato*, Tomato*,
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Cheese Fondue
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread, Wine*
Utensils: Knife*, Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Bamboo Shoot*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*,
Sweet Potato*, Eggplant*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Truffle*, Egg*, Onion*,
Corn*, Mushroom*, Green Pepper*, Potato*, Tomato*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Ingredients: Potato, Oil, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Cabbage, Flour, Egg, Oil, Milk*, Potato*, Cucumber*, Pumpkin*,
Cheese*, Eggplant*, Spinach*, Carrot*, Bamboo Shoot*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Mayonnaise*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Scrambled Eggs
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Mayonnaise*, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 2nd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Corn*, Potato*, Cheese*, Cabbage*, Eggplant*,
Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Pumpkin*,
Mayonnaise*, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Salt*
Rice Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 3rd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Cabbage*,
Eggplant*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Mayonnaise*, Mushroom*, Corn*,
Sweet Potato*, Fish*, Ketchup*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Onion*, Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Fried Rice
Ingredients: Oil, Rice Ball, Egg, Bamboo Shoot*, Cucumber*, Boiled Egg*,
Scrambled Egg*, Mushroom*, Spinach*, Stir Fry*, Wine*, Grilled Fish*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Green Pepper*, Onion*, Sashimi*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Corn*,
Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt, Soysauce
Grilled Fish (New Year's Special TV, Spring 3; The Delicious Hour, 14th show)
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Ingredients: Large Fish, Medium Fish (one or both)
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce*
Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Chirashi Sushi
Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball, Scrambled Egg, Cucumber*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Curry Noodles
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour, Turnip*, Cabbage*, Sweet Potato*, Egg*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Onion*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
(Alternate Recipe)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Same as above*
Stir Fry (The Delicious Hour, 6th show)
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil, Potato*, Tomato*, Cucumber*, Sweet Potato*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Bamboo Shoot*, Corn*, Mushroom*, Eggplant*, Carrot*,
Green Pepper*, Onion*, Truffle*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce
Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Oil, Poisonous Mushroom*, Chocolate*, Truffle*,
Turnip*, Cucumber*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Boiled Egg*, Pineapple*, Fish*,
Pumpkin*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Potato*, Eggplant*, Sweet Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: None
Tempura Noodles
Ingredients: Tempura, Noodles, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Fish*,
Mushroom*, Truffle*, Egg*, Carrot*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
 (Alternate recipe)
Ingredients: Tempura, Flour, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot, Rolling Pin, Knife
Seasonings: Same as above*
Fried Noodles
Ingredients: Oil, Noodles
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Cookie (The Delicious Hour, 4th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Chocolate Cookie
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*,
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Chocolate Cake
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*,
Strawberry*, Wild Grape*
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Seasonings: Sugar
Pumpkin Pudding
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Egg, Milk, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Apple Pie
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple, Wine*, Honey*
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Ice Cream
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Strawberry*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Apple*,
Utensils: Pot, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Honey*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Fruit Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Milk, Honey* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Milk, Honey*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Vegetable Juice (The Delicious Hour, 7th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Truffle*, Corn*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Onion*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Egg*, Eggplant*, Turnip*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Veggie Latte
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Milk, Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Turnip*, Spinach*, Green Pepper*, Cheese*, Egg*, Onion*
(alternate: Vegetable Juice, Milk, same optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Mixed Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage (at least one fruit and one veggie), Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Grape Juice*, Mushroom*, Turnip*, Onion*, Green Pepper*,
Tomato*, Spinach*, Cucumber* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, same
optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Mixed Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage, Milk
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*

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